Monday, September 6, 2010

My journey in Search of Bridges in Chennai

Photography Workshop!!! WoW!!!  Excited.... Well i had a camera too... So even more excited... On the day of the workshop.... Iqbal Sir...Aperture....Shutter Speed.... SLR...ISO Speed.....on and on and on.. Grrrr.... waiting for tea breaks.. lunch breaks... all breaks....

The workshop ends... Our assignment.. "A photo feature" again a WaaaW!!! thats exciting...
But a feature on wat... Dink dink and think.. Aah!!! Ma team... the trio.. Paranszzz.... our Akka Tharmini and I me myself Meow.. oops.. sorry.. Monisha...

Parans from temple city... suggested lets got to Kancheepuram.... Akka and i suggested city based themes.. finally consulting our Gopi sir, who assigned us with this assignment, finalised on bridges... thats a unique topic... with very few bridges in mind we thought.. we will rock...
Where to start??? how many bridges??? which area?? how will we cover them??? Storming began....
Suggestion.. 30 Rs ticket.. travel all over chennai... but is tat a feasible option??
     NEXT... a bike ride in the city???? Petrol :( Route :( Kanjoossss
     NEXT.... Shhh!!!! a secret.. and we went on as per our plan...


Started off with our University of Madras' neighbour... Napier Bridge - Napier, the governor of Madras Presidency, built the iron bridge across River Cooum in 1869. A new bridge was built in 1999 with a 10.5-metre-wide carriageway on the western side. The eastern side carriageway is 9.75 metre in width. ...Ohhhh... Is it????

okies.... but whats new.... all have seen this bridge na??? But... Does all the bridges across River Cooum look so Mighty.. or rather Woww or Cool types??? Naah!!!! Proof???? Read on...

Have you seen this somewhere?? This is also a bridge... Alas.. our CM and 'G' board personalities hardly use this route... and Tis is also built across Cooum River...Hold on.. My journey in search of Cooum Bridges have jus begun.. Wait N Watch..
The bridge near Our New Secretariat 
Left View

Centre View
Right View
What a view.... Obviously... its not a penny but crores spent to beautify THE ROUTES traveled by our King and their ministers though we say we r DEMOCRATIC.. 

If i need to explain about ma assignment... It was exciting... all these pics were clicked standing near the footboard of the flying train.. he he he!!! Done with Anna Square... Got a holiday... Went to Nungambakkam...  Walked walked and walked... may be Kilometers..... but didnt notice the distance as i was so much excited to bridges all over Nungambakkam.... Hmmmm.... Surprising....

But their conditions..... OMG...